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The Test of Time

Are the classic movies of our childhood really as great as we remember them? Hosts Alan Noah and James Brief take a fresh look at our favorite films to see if they still stand The Test of Time.

Show logo designed by Courtney Enos-Robertson
Theme song (episodes 1-100) by SpeakerFreq Audio
Theme song (episodes 100+) by Jon Martinez
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Aug 18, 2017

Maybe you won't like our episode about Wayne's World. Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of our butts.

This is the movie that taught a generation how to rock out to Bohemian Rhapsody. It *may* have inspired Michael Scott's favorite joke. And it's gotta be the only film ever to make fun of Laverne & Shirley, Nuprin, and visiting Delaware.

It's the standard by which all other Saturday Night Live movies are measured, but does Wayne's World stand the Test of Time?