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The Test of Time

Are the classic movies of our childhood really as great as we remember them? Hosts Alan Noah and James Brief take a fresh look at our favorite films to see if they still stand The Test of Time.

Show logo designed by Courtney Enos-Robertson
Theme song (episodes 1-100) by SpeakerFreq Audio
Theme song (episodes 100+) by Jon Martinez
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Aug 11, 2017

Better Off Dead takes your typical teen angst love story and adds in skiing, slapstick, and suicide. 

Special guest Joanna Brief joins us as we discuss the unspoken 80's rule about cutting out cereal box UPC codes, the Charles De Mar method of thwarting a bully, and those special occasions when you just gotta have a montage.

The only thing we want more than our TWO DOLLARS is to find out if Better Off Dead stands the Test of Time.