Aug 27, 2021
Snake Plissken has a new mission in a city that’s been turned into a prison… only this time, he’s got to survive a night in Los Angeles.
Join us as we chat about sequels that are basically remakes, maps to Tom Arnold’s house, and how hard it is for Dave Bautista to stay shirtless. Then we find out if Escape...
Aug 20, 2021
In the future year 1997, the island of Manhattan has been turned into a prison. When the President is held hostage inside the city, it's up to one man to go in and rescue him: Snake Plissken.
Listen as we talk about Walt Disney’s last words, confusing a coffee shop with a gay bar, and the possible discovery of an...
Aug 13, 2021
A man with an overactive imagination turns a UHF station into the most popular TV channel in town.
Two very special mystery guests join us for a conversation about how to make Livin’ on a Prayer funnier, the wrong way to clean your glasses, and a terrible idea for a Billy Joel parody. Then we find out if UHF stands...
Aug 6, 2021
Two British runners go for gold at the 1924 Olympics.
Join us as we talk about the disastrous Dan and Dave ad campaign, random facts you learn from The Simpsons, and why newspapers spin in the movies. Then we find out if Chariots of Fire—a movie with neither chariots nor fire—stands the Test...