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The Test of Time

Are the classic movies of our childhood really as great as we remember them? Hosts Alan Noah and James Brief take a fresh look at our favorite films to see if they still stand The Test of Time.

Show logo designed by Courtney Enos-Robertson
Theme song (episodes 1-100) by SpeakerFreq Audio
Theme song (episodes 100+) by Jon Martinez
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Jun 28, 2024

A Detroit police officer investigates the murder of his best friend in Beverly Hills. 

Listen as we chat about Eddie Murphy’s laugh, sequels on streamers, and saying "I love you" to your bro. Then we find out if Beverly Hills Cop stands the Test of...

Jun 21, 2024

A private eye investigates a complex web of deceit, corruption, and murder. 

Listen as we chat about shockingly expensive concert tickets, a comically small gun, and the difference between a scar and an open wound. Forget it, James... it’s a podcast to see if Chinatown stands the Test of...

Jun 14, 2024

The brothers of a rowdy fraternity drink, party, and try not to get expelled.

Special guests Rich Noah and Paul Brief—our dads!—join us to chat about John Belushi’s eyebrows, a freeze-frame heart attack, and getting an A in lobotomy. Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to find out if National Lampoon's Animal House...

Jun 7, 2024

Mad Max fights for his life, and the lives of young plane crash survivors. 

Listen as we discuss Jeff Garlin’s thoughts on Michael Bay, laws that are just six words long, and what this movie has in common with Showgirls. Two men enter, one man leaves as we find out if Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome stands the Test of...