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The Test of Time

Are the classic movies of our childhood really as great as we remember them? Hosts Alan Noah and James Brief take a fresh look at our favorite films to see if they still stand The Test of Time.

Show logo designed by Courtney Enos-Robertson
Theme song (episodes 1-100) by SpeakerFreq Audio
Theme song (episodes 100+) by Jon Martinez
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Oct 27, 2017

Director Wes Craven brought fresh blood to the teen slasher genre in his 1996 movie, Scream.

In our annual Halloween episode, we discuss modern meta moments, the old-fashioned name for cell phones, and how this film has twists in the opening *and* closing scenes. (Take that, M. Night Shyamalan!) You may know how to survive a horror movie, but do you know if Scream stands the Test of Time?